Cyber Security Fundamentals

SOC Analyst

Weekly Hours: 2 + 2

Total Hours: 48

Duration: 3 Months

Course Incharge
Yahya Batla
Course Description

Protecting sensitive data and important systems from online threats falls under the domain of CyberSecurity. Cybersecurity measures are intended to counter attacks onnetworks, systems, and applications, whether those threats come from within or outside of an organization. In order for users, apps, and devices to work securely, a secure infrastructure must be built and maintained. This is done with the help of cybersecurity experts. This course is intended to be the first step for a student into the World of CyberSecurity.

What you will learn

Course Outline

Grading Criteria
Particulars Marks (%)
Quizzes 20
Class Participation/ Attendance 15
Projects 25
Final Projects 40
Total 100